Update my details

In this article, we'll show you how to update your personal details, account settings and change your password.

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Access your preferences

1. Log in to the Investor Portal.
2. Access your preferences: Click the user (person) icon at the right of the top navigation banner.
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3. Select "My Preferences".

4. You'll land on the Account Details tab.
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Account Details

In the Account Details tab, you can update your:
  • Preferred name
  • Phone number
To update your legal name, current address or date of birth, please get in touch with Mackersy Property by email at invest@mackersyproperty.co.nz or phone (03) 450 9540. 

Please note that updating your legal name, date of birth, or address triggers a verification process to ensure your AML and identity verification remain valid.
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Account Settings

In the Account Settings tab, you can adjust your Time Zone to sync with the portal.
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In the Security tab, you can trigger an email link to change your password for added security.

Download the help guide here.
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